Fight The Injustice!!!

Palestine, Africa, Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, AMERICA.... Equality is nonexistent, fight for justice, Lets make the world right again!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Smells Like Bacon

Its a shame what the police force has come to represent, they used to be all about protecting the citizens in their city(well except for that Rodney King thing, and hundered other cases), but now everytime anyone sees a patrol car lurking the streets, the first knee jerk reaction is to look guilty, we cant help it... no matter what we are doing, we always look like were guility of something when a police car strolls by. But recenlty i witnessed a man get pulled over for not wearing his seatbelt,(something u would think would be a minor offene), but 10 min later i see 4 other cop cars pull up on the scene.. for a FUCKIN SEATBELT TICKET!!!! Either the San Diego Police Department are bored as shit, or this guy musta been a fugitive on the run from Nigeria(he was black). This system is so currupt, they force us to be on our best behaviour by using their authority to scare us. It seems like cops have a quata to reach everyday, so they pull people over for the dumbest shit. "Excuse me sir, You're visor shouldn't be down, its not sunny".. heres a ticket".) FUCK YOU PO PO... From now on look as guilty as u possibly can, they cant arrest us ALL...... can they?

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