Fight The Injustice!!!

Palestine, Africa, Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, AMERICA.... Equality is nonexistent, fight for justice, Lets make the world right again!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Collecting Mexican Insurance

SO, last weekend my friend struck gold when he collected insurance money for his "stolen" Toyota Camry. Since he is too lazy to sell his car, or even flush the fuckin toilet for that matter, he was praying for his car to get stolen or perhaps get struck by lightning. But after several months of no burglaries or even attempted thefts to his car, he finally gave up. I mean, sometimes i am astonished at how lazy this man can be.haha. He purposely leaves his car unlocked in El Cajon, just so someone can take this car off his hands. This is where i come in.. It was friday night, i finally had enough of him complaining about his car "problem", so I say " Naz give me your fuckin keys!!!". He chucks em at me and we start up this pimp mobile. I had no idea where i was going, but i started driving further and further south on I-5. Finally there was no more road to drive, we have reached the Mexican Border. We usually park at the border and walk into T.J. for them dank ass tacos or slut infested nightclubs.. But this time i threw Naz for a loop, i actually drove past BP into the promise land. I drove until we reached a vacant area that looked to be a dumb in the middle of nowhere. A steep downward hill was nomore than 10ft ahead of us.. As soon as i stopped we both had the same exact thought going through our immature heads. We got out of the car, took off the plates, and put it in neutral." Bye Bye Car". We took a cab back to Poway and never looked back.. the next morning Naz and I wake up to find his car missing.. "what happend?". He calls the fuzz and reports it, very emotionaly i might add. Oscar worthy. Gives insurance co. a call and 3 weeks later the money will start rollin in!!.. $11000 to be exact.. We should have done this years ago... My new hobbie

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